Welcome to Francesc's Blog

A Software Architect from Seattle

A short article showing how to add container transform to your app, using the latest APIs from Jetpack Compose.

Apr 25th, 2024

In this article we learn how to make our apps more visually pleasing by adding shared element transitions between screens.

Apr 20th, 2024

A short article showcasing how to create a Chips selector for single or multiple choice, with animated border, background and text.

Mar 17th, 2024

Improve the performance of your Jetpack Compose apps by instructing the compiler what classes and functions it should treat as stable.

Nov 29th, 2023

State management is one of the most important features of any app. Choosing the right architecture from the get go is important as architectural changes become very expensive once the app has been built. Thefore, making sure the architecture we choose is able to support the app and scale  as the...

Sep 18th, 2023

In this short article we will learn how to use the new anchoredDraggable modifier released with Jetpack Compose Foundation 1.6.0-alpha01 .

June 22nd, 2023